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Posted July 23, 2010


So what?

I can be a hummingbird if I wannabe,

beats bashing my brains out trying to suck

ants out of a tree. I can recreate

myself into any character I choose,

call me Ishmael or call me whale

besides, I might prefer to be on a liquid

diet every now and then. Beats asparagus puree.

I could be fasting - no red meat - you never know.

Just because my head is red doesn't mean squat.

Don't some of you guys wear mullets?

I just like being different, traveling

incognito, zebra of a different stripe.

Why didn't you put out a plate of insects

for me like you put sugar water out for hummingbirds?

I feel like I'm being discriminated against.

And why are you watching me?

Go away woodpecker papparazzi

or I'll migrate to California

where I hear everything is free

and I can get more than sugar to sweeten

my water to take me higher and higher

and I can become famous and, oh yeah,

deal with more woodpecker papparazzi.

Then again, perhaps I'll go back to pecking wood

after tomorrow, after I pretend to be a zebra

who's heard sweet grass mixed with clover

tastes pretty good even if it's not smoked.

Perhaps I'll go back to pecking

wood, if there are any trees left standing.

If there's anything left to peck

and don't even dare ask me how many

pecks can a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker

would peck pecks.

Photo credit - Kathy.

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